The Animal: Growing from our humble beginning of 4 heifers Chad purchased in high school we now have around 60 brood (mama) cows that we breed to birth in February and March. We carefully select our breeding bulls based on genetics we wish to add to our herd and more importantly breeds that grow well on grass.
When the calves are around 6 months old are they weaned and we select heifers to add to our herd for breeding, a number to fill out to raise for meat and sell the rest as weanlings for other farms or individuals to fill out.
The Feed: We plant biodiverse pasture mixes that allow us to extend the grazing season from April-November, depending on the weather. Our cattle have access to pasture all year. During the summer months we are preparing for winter by planting and harvesting hay to feed the cattle though the months the pastures aren't growing. We produce all their feed on land that we manage.
The Butcher: We use a local butcher that uses humane methods of slaughter with a USDA inspector on staff. They cut the meat to our specifications and package it for the freezer.
Sign Up:
Beef Quarter, Half or Full
How it works is you pay us for the half beef based on hanging weight (currently at $5/lb- subject to change). We will deliver it to the butcher who will communicate with you to get the cuts you want. You pick the meat up directly from the butcher and pay them for their service. We require a deposit of $500/half and $250/quarter beef. Remaining payment due when butcher gives us a weight.